Promoting Active and Sustainable Travel in North Carrick

Projects > Promoting Active and Sustainable Travel in North Carrick

Ansons was tasked with conducting a feasibility study to explore the potential implementation of active and sustainable travel interventions in the North Carrick area of South Ayrshire.

The primary objective was to identify strategies that could support and encourage more sustainable travel patterns among tourists visiting the local area.

This project formed part of a broader programme focused on enhancing North Carrick’s sustainable tourism offerings over a five-year period. The aim was to identify measures designed to stimulate the local tourism industry while providing benefits to residents and the local economy.

The study yielded valuable insights, indicating that several approaches could be feasibly implemented to divert visitors from relying on cars and instead encourage them to explore the local heritage and landscape by foot, wheel, bus, and train. By embracing these alternatives, North Carrick can make significant progress towards its net-zero objectives while positioning itself as a “slow travel” destination. Leveraging the existing rail and bus links, as well as the available walking and cycling routes, means visitors will have improved access to attractions and essential services. This, in turn, will increase footfall, benefiting local businesses and communities.

Through careful analysis and consideration of various options, Ansons identified opportunities to foster sustainable tourism and create a vibrant travel experience for visitors. By prioritizing active and sustainable travel modes, North Carrick can showcase its unique offerings while making a positive environmental impact. The proposed interventions aim to enhance connections between attractions, local businesses, and services, supporting the overall vision of North Carrick as a thriving, sustainable destination.