Developing an E-bike Network Plan

Projects > Developing an E-bike Network Plan

Ansons Consulting was commissioned by Cairngorms National Park Authority to prepare an evidence-based E-Bike Network Plan.

The overarching goal of the e-bike network was to significantly increase levels of cycling for everyday journeys amongst National Park residents, employees, and visitors, thereby supporting an aim to reduce personal car use by visitors and residents moving around the area.

Development of the Plan was informed by a range of research. For instance, surveys were carried out with residents and local businesses, and interviews with key stakeholders and local bike shops were conducted to helped to identify the most appropriate model for the e-bike network.

Consideration was given to a range of delivery models, including community loan schemes, on-street bike hire, an all-ability cycle offer, as well as provision of a range of value added services, such as drop off / pick up, and recovery, weekly hire, and incorporating bike hire with accommodation bookings.

Our final report contained a high-level delivery framework, which provided strategic direction and guidance for each of the delivery options. It also contained a more detailed delivery plan, which included outline budgets to deliver the schemes over a five-year timeframe, with the aim to inform future funding applications.